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Migrate from beta to stable

If you still run our beta connector, which is recognized by the Eduframe_Connector.mez instead of Eduframe.pqx file, you can use the following instructions to update to our stable releases.

Install requirements

In order to migrate to the stable release, you need the following:

Replace connector

  1. First navigate to the C:\Users\<your username>\Documents\Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors folder.
  2. Place the Eduframe.pqx file in this folder
  3. Delete the Eduframe_Connector.mez file.
  4. Execute the EduframeCertificate.reg file to add our certificate as a trusted source.

PowerBI Settings

  1. Open Power BI Desktop.
  2. Press File in the top left corner of the application window.
  3. Press Options and settings and immediately after press Options.
  4. Go to the Security tab and select (Recommendeded) Only allow Microsoft certified and other trusted third-party extensions to load.

    Security tab

  5. Press Ok.

Make the dashboard compatible

If you already made a dashboard, you need to change some settings to get it working with the new connector.

  1. Open the .pbix file of your dashboard
  2. Press ‘Transform data’

    Transform data

  3. Select a query in the list and press ‘Advanced Editor’

    Advanced Editor

  4. Look for the Source = EduFrame_Connector.Contents part


  5. Change EduFrame_Connector.Contents to EduFrame.Contents
  6. Change the site url so that https:// and are deleted. For this would change to drieam-test

    New String

  7. Repeat step 2 till 6 for every query in the list


  8. The dashboard should now be working with the new connector! Try it out by pressing ‘Close & Apply’ and afterwards the ‘Refresh’ button.

    Close & Apply
