Available data
Disclaimer: This overview is out of date. All information listed is still available but more tables have been added in the mean time.
- id
- Unique identifier of the account.
- account_type
- Helper to identify the type of account. If it is personal, you can also see that since the personal_user_id is set.
- personal_user_id
- Unique indentifier of the linked user account. If set it is a personal account type.
- created_at
- Timestamp of creation.
- updated_at
- Timestamp of last update.
- visible
- Boolean whether this account should be visible (i.e. business or multiple users or any orders).
- id
- Unique identifier of the account.
- meeting_id
- Unique identifier of the meeting.
- enrollment_id
- Unique identifier of the enrollment.
- created_at
- Timestamp of creation.
- updated_at
- Timestamp of last update.
- categories
- id
- Unique identifier of the category.
- position
- Sorting position of the category. Lower is higher.
- name
- Title of the category.
- slug
- Human readable identifier (unique)
- description
- The description of the category.
- is_published
- Boolean if the category is published on the website.
- updated_at
- Timestamp of last update.
- created_at
- Timestamp of creation.
- parent_id
- Unique identifier of the parent category
- courses_count
- Number of courses directly linked to this category.
- children_count
- Number of children categories directly linked to this category.
- id
- id
- Unique identifier of the course.
- category_id
- Identifier of the category of the course.
- name
- The name of the course.
- code
- The code of the course.
- duration
- The duration of the course.
- level
- A string indicating the level of the course.
- result
- The result of the course (certificate, diploma, etc).
- cost
- The price to be paid for this course.
- cost_scheme
- How should the course be paid by default. Must be one of: student, order, tbd, free.
- is_published
- Boolean representing the publishable status of the course.
- position
- Sorting position of the course. Lower is higher.
- slug
- Human readable identifier (unique)
- slug_history
- List of old slugs, old calls will be redirected.
- updated_at
- Timestamp of last update.
- created_at
- Timestamp of creation.
- certificate_template_id
- Identifier of the optionally linked certificate template.
- starting_price
- Lowest price of all of its planned courses.
- conditions_or_default
- Conditions for this course with a fallback to the default course conditions of the educator.
- id
- Unique identifier of the user.
- first_name
- First name of the user.
- middle_name
- Middle name of the user.
- last_name
- Last name of the user.
- email
- The e-mail of the user.
- wants_newsletter
- Boolean representing the possibility of the user to receive newsletters.
- updated_at
- Timestamp of last update.
- created_at
- Timestamp of creation.
- employee_number
- The employee number of this user.
- labels
- Associated labels
- id
- Unique identifier of the enrollment.
- student_id
- Unique identifier of the student.
- order_id
- Unique identifier of the order.
- status
- The status of the enrollment. Must be one of: requested, denied, active, canceled, completed.
- comments
- A comment linked to an enrollment.
- graduation_state
- The graduation state of the enrollment. Must be one of: awaiting_judgement, passed, failed.
- created_at
- Timestamp of creation.
- updated_at
- Timestamp of last update.
- id
- Unique identifier of the educator.
- name
- The name of the educator.
- locale
- Indicates the language of the Eduframe setup.
- slug
- Unique human readable identifier of the educator.
- default_invoice_vat_multiplier
- Default VAT multiplier of the educator.
- signup_default_account_type
- What is de default selected account type on the signup page.
- signup_contact_info
- The contact info shown on the signup form (for directing questions to).
- time_zone
- Time zone identifier of the educator.
- id
- Unique identifier of the lead.
- value
- Decimal representing the price of a lead.
- administrator_id
- ID of administrator that owns the lead.
- status
- The status of the lead. Must be one of: prospect, waiting_list, won, lost, archive.
- quality
- Star scoring for the lead.
- wants_newsletter
- Indicates if lead wants to receive the newsletter or not.
- course_ids
- ID of the course linked to this lead.
- account_id
- ID of the account linked to this lead.
- user_id
- ID of the user linked to this lead.
- id
- Unique identifier of the order.
- planned_course_id
- Unique identifier of the orders Planned Course.
- account_id
- Unique identifier of the account.
- number
- Educator specific identifier of the order which autoincrements.
- status
- State of the order. Must be one of: requested, denied, active, canceled, completed.
- number_of_students
- Number of students in this order.
- updated_at
- Timestamp of last update.
- created_at
- Timestamp of creation.
- id
- Unique identifier of the planned course.
- course_location_id
- Unique identifier of the course location.
- course_variant_id
- Unique identifier of the course variant.
- status
- State of the planned course. Must be one of: planned, active, completed, canceled.
- availability_state
- By default this is just open. However, you can make this planned course available for a subset of accounts. If that’s the case the state is closed. Must be one of: open, closed.
- course_id
- Unique identifier of the course.
- type
- The type of the course.
- start_date
- Date at which the planned course starts. Only needed for fixed planned courses.
- end_date
- Date at which the planned course ends. Only needed for fixed planned courses.
- min_participants
- A number representing the minimum number of participants that can enroll for the planned course.
- max_participants
- A number representing the maximum number of participants that can enroll for the planned course.
- cost_scheme
- The cost schema that the payment will follow for the specified course. Must be one of: student, order, tbd, free.
- is_published
- Boolean if is published on the website.
- updated_at
- Timestamp of last update.
- created_at
- Timestamp of creation.
- duration_in_days
- The period of time of the planned course. For flexible planned courses this equals the provided duration. For fixed planned courses this equals the number of meetings if any, if the fixed planned course has no meetings, it’s the number of days between the start and end date.
- cost
- A positive float representing the price of the planned course.
- payable
- Boolean wether there are payments involved for this course. Basically its true if the cost_scheme is student or order.
- current_participants
- The current amount of participants.
- available_places
- Boolean if there are any places available.
- currency
- The currency of the cost.
- cost_multiplier
- A positive float representing the multiplier for the VAT. Say you have 21% VAT, this will return 1.21.
- id
- Unique identifier of the invoice.
- slug
- Human readable identifier (unique)
- number
- The invoice number which is unique per educator. If left empty, it autoincrements.
- number_int
- The invoice number converted to an integer value.
- status
- The status of the invoice. The initial status will always be concept. Must be one of: concept, open, expired, paid, deleted.
- order_number
- The order number of the invoice.
- expiration_date
- The expiration date of the invoice. Is set when the invoice is set to open.
- opened_at
- The date when the invoice status was changed to open.
- account_id
- Identifier of the account.
- invoice_set_id
- Unique identifier of the invoice set.
- feature
- Some description of the invoice which is displayed on the invoice.
- footnote
- The note displayed at the bottom of the invoice.
- currency
- The currency of the invoice.
- total_incl
- The total cost of the invoice including VAT.
- total_excl
- The total cost of the invoice excluding VAT.
- updated_at
- Timestamp of last update.
- created_at
- Timestamp of creation.
- pdf_url
- Url to the download path of the invoice in PDF format.
- xml_url
- Url to the download path of the invoice in UML format.
- id
- Unique identifier of the meeting
- name
- The name of the meeting.
- planned_course_id
- Unique identifier of the planned course.
- start_date_time
- Date and time when the meeting is starting.
- end_date_time
- The date and time when the meeting is ending.
- meeting_location_id
- Unique identifier of the meeting location.
- description
- The description of the meeting.
- description_dashboard
- The description that will be shown in the dashboard.
- created_at
- Timestamp of creation.
- updated_at
- Timestamp of last update.
- teachers
- Array of related teacher information
These are all retrieved from api-url/<table name>